Sunday, January 25, 2009

lovin' life!

3 more days till Spain—In Spain I am doing a city orientation the first day we get their and then a bunch of us girls are going to flamenco night (still not sure what it is lol), and the second day I am going to Sevilla and Cordoba with a Semester at Sea group. It is a 2 day 1 night stay and I don’t know what I am doing their either! I met a girl last night that is going on that trip too and one of my other friends, TJ, are the only people I know going! I am not sure what we are going to do the night we get back. I think we get back at 7 on Friday night and we leave Saturday sometime in the afternoon! Maybe I will spend Saturday getting on the internet and not having to rush.
I am trying to figure out some kind of a safari to do in Namibia or South Africa. I haven’t really been able to find one that is only for a night or two so it is hard. I have tons of things I have to do in countries for my classes and everything is conflicting with each other. I may just have to wait to get into Namibia to go on one! I will be really disappointed if I don’t get to do one!!
But today is Sunday and I have class all day! It is really weird knowing I am at school on a weekend but at the same time I never know what the day is anymore so it doesn’t matter. I am slowly soaking in the opportunity that I am having right now, in my comparative education class we read an article and had a round table discussion about it. The article, in short was how Americans are always on the go, always looking at the time, and never relaxing and just letting the days go by. I was thinking about how much the girls and I have been talking about getting off this boat and how long it is taking to Spain. I think this article and discussion really hit me about how selfish I have been and not appreciative of the things that I have. I am living on a cruise ship! I have my room cleaned daily, I have my plate cleared from the table daily, and am surrounded by the Atlantic Ocean. I have everything I need right now but am still finding a way to complain about something. I am already having a huge eye opening experience and I have not even been to the first country!!
We have been able to drink on the top deck for the past 4 nights, only beer or wine. Anyway, we went the first time and then not again until last night. There are a ton of people and is pretty fun! I found a few people that go to CU and know some friends from high school, really random. But I think because we are really cool or just trying to pass time, we have started to write poems, to everyone! But mostly with the boys right next door and the ones across the hall. Last night we went all over the boat delivering them to only the lucky! Haha we have defiantly been having a good time! But we lost gained another hour again and we were already behind and then Jess and I stayed up till 5 o’clock in the morning talking! I haven’t done that in FOREVER!
I got sea sick patches before I came and put one on the first night we were here. I haven’t gotten sea sick at all but didn’t want to take it off then get sick. But I have to change it every three days. They symptoms/side effects from then are dry mouth, blurred vision and drowsiness. I have had every symptom possible X 10! The dry mouth is awful, even after I take a drink it is still dry and I had been extremely tired. But the worst is the vision. I had no problems with the first patch but when I changed it I noticed I couldn’t see out of one of my eyes. Then it turned into everything was doubled and I couldn’t read anything because it all jumbled together. I took my contacts out and took off the patch the day after I put it on. My eyes got really bad and I could only see far away with my glasses on. If I had to read or look at something up close I had to take my glasses off. I couldn’t see the paper/computer I was writing. Super annoying, but seems to be better today thank god!
But I have a club meeting tonight and will lay low! Miss you!!
By the way, someone said they saw a whale yesterday and everyone freaked and ran to look over the boat. No one saw it. Every day I plan on yelling shark or whale. I’m so funny.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kelsey-
    My daughter, Becca Stahl - she is from UW, Madison, and is running a trip in S. Africa - one of the days is a safari - if you can find her you can join her group...
